
Take the WonderProne Assessment Today

Throughout the book, I discuss wonder in depth, but in Chapter 11, I take a particular look at “Wonder at Work” and how wonder can help us develop qualities that general consensus agrees makes for better leaders and team members.

Take a look at the following thought-provoking activities that are intended to help you focus on thinking about wonder at work. These question prompts will help you purposely cultivate wonder for the betterment of how you approach your work and your work self. In addition to examining the wonder cycle through the lens of work, we’ll also examine the qualities important for leadership and teamwork, as well as how a wonder-based organizational culture can be to our benefit. Being more wonderprone both as workers and leaders can lead to improved performance and job satisfaction, so that’s definitely worth taking a moment to see how it might help your own experience.

Take the WonderProne Assessment Today

Research has proven that orientating your walks to experience awe by tapping into your sense of wonder and walking in new locales leads to increased prosocial emotions like compassion. So what makes an ideal wonder walk? Stay curious about all those little things we might breeze by on a usual walk, taking no detail for granted. Try an entirely different route to set ourselves up for novelty and an expectation violation. And, of course, prime ourselves that this will be a walk full of wonder, so we are open to finding those wow and whoa moments.

Download this now to guide your walk!

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